What’s in a pose?

Start to change your finances now without looking at a single number!

Why the POWER Pose? What does it have to do with money and finances? These are questions I’m often asked, and I love it when I’m asked them because it’s the start of a very different financial conversation!

You see, it’s about much more than the pose, it’s about what’s behind the pose and what it represents – your feeling, your belief and your result. Every element of this is based on the internal instead of the external and that’s why it’s so central to everything I’m committed to helping you create for yourself starting with the way you feel.

the feeling

When you think about your money or finances in your life, how do you feel? Now that you have connected with that feeling, observe where your thoughts go. Are they positive thoughts? For many of us, they aren’t. The idea of talking about money and finances is full of confusion, uncertainty, guilt or even shame. It’s these hidden negative emotions that can lead to avoidance which is why the way you feel is so central to your Mindset!

Understanding how you feel allows you to begin experiencing a very different financial conversation because within that understanding you are bringing an awareness to where and how those feelings were formed. This focuses on your own human experience – the events in your life and the characters in your story that impacted you and are linked to the emotional associations with those experiences.

That’s why it is essential that we humanize the money conversation and welcome a key part of your experiences – your emotions! You must have the tools to work through them, to shift your associations and reframe your thoughts.

the belief

Working through those negative emotional associations allows you the opportunity to understand yourself better and focus on the positive choices that you’ve made as you reframed your thinking.

The next step is to repeat those positive feelings which allows you to form new beliefs, building confidence in yourself in the process!

the result

The more confident you feel, the more likely you are to see the money conversation with a renewed perspective because you see yourself differently! You become central to the conversation because it started and continued with the essential – you! Ultimately, these positive feelings and beliefs create positive action!

If you want different results, it means that we must do things differently. This is why I passionately believe in prioritizing your human experiences around money and creating a meaningful dialogue in which the way you feel is prioritized.

So, what’s in a pose? The beauty of who YOU are and who you are continuing to become!

Welcome to the money conversation that looks different, feels different and acts differently. This is the one that is truly yours!

Martha Adams

Martha is a certified financial planner turned author and motivational speaker. Martha’s first book, Cleopatra’s Riches, is an international bestseller on Amazon. From network events to national conferences, Martha speaks to audience large and small about how to connect to their own money story and change the financial conversation to the postivie.


On the money podcast - with Dynamic Funds


Unspoken Words: