Unspoken Words:

The Other Side of the Advisor-Client Relationship

Advisors solely focused on the intellectual side of investing might be missing out on a real opportunity to connect with clients. As author, financial educator and CFP® Martha Adams explains, it’s critical to understand the emotional component of investing in order to help clients develop a positive money mindset.

It’s no secret that I’m an advocate for the value of advice at the same time as promoting a meaningful advisor-client relationship. The reason is that these two things are interconnected!

What is necessary is a style of dialogue that bridges the gap in advisor-client communication and facilitates the spirit of collaboration.

I’m honored to be welcomed to share more about this in the current issue of the Dynamic ADVISOR Magazine published by Dynamic Funds.

To read more on this conversation, you can view the article by clicking here.

Martha Adams

Martha is a certified financial planner turned author and motivational speaker. Martha’s first book, Cleopatra’s Riches, is an international bestseller on Amazon. From network events to national conferences, Martha speaks to audience large and small about how to connect to their own money story and change the financial conversation to the postivie.


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