4 key steps to positive finances

We’re going to talk about finances, so it would make sense that we’re going to talk about numbers, facts and figures. That’s the intellectual side of finances that we’re all so used to.

But there’s another side that is even more powerful — and that’s the emotional side, or the way that you feel. Your feelings are essential to the conversation and directly tied to your financial wellness.

The idea of sitting down for a money conversation with a financial professional can come with an entire mix of feelings. Confusion, stress and anxiety along with so many other emotions can surface.

Why is that? One reason, is that in so many ways, money is the most emotional topic there is.

It really comes down to the fact that we’re just not used to talking about the way we feel about money. When we try, we simply find ourselves caught in a negative loop without a way out. Those negative emotions can form an invisible barrier to the financial conversation that you want to have.

I’m an advocate for working with your trusted financial professional, and I’m also an advocate for your emotions being a part of the conversation. So, for this conversation, I’m going to help you bring the two together for a truly positive financial conversation that is centred on your financial wellness.

Here are 4 steps you can take to create a positive financial conversation that you want to have.

Positive Affirmation

When you’re in your meeting, there’s a more powerful conversation than the one happening out loud with your financial professional — your internal dialogue. I love positive affirmations because it helps set the environment for how you feel going into the meeting and acts as a reminder of who this conversation is for — you!

When forming your affirmation, it’s important to acknowledge the way that you’re feeling. For example, if you’re feeling like the financial conversation doesn’t include you, acknowledge that it does. An example of a positive affirmation could be: “This conversation is about me and for my benefit.”

Start the Conversation

The way we feel is internal and can often go uncommunicated. It’s important to know that you can open a line of communication by letting your financial professional know how you’re feeling. The financial discussion is a collaboration, and discussing the way you feel is an incredibly important part of the conversation. Your feelings are valid and communicating them is essential. This helps give you both the opportunity to work through that together.

Ask Again

Often in a financial conversation we don’t feel comfortable asking questions and certainly not asking the same question twice. An important part of being actively involved is asking questions to make sure you understand and agree with the ideas and suggestions being presented.

Continue the Conversation

Now that you’ve opened the lines of communication it’s important to keep them open. Continue to apply the steps we’ve reviewed here for continued success.

For more information on the importance of your financial wellness, you can head to my blog: “Financial wellness is health and wellness.”

Martha Adams

Martha is a certified financial planner turned author and motivational speaker. Martha’s first book, Cleopatra’s Riches, is an international bestseller on Amazon. From network events to national conferences, Martha speaks to audience large and small about how to connect to their own money story and change the financial conversation to the postivie.


Continuing the Conversation


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